Lawn & Garden
Lawn & Garden
Oolitic aragonite is an excellent soil amendment for lawns and gardens. It provides highly bioavailable calcium, buffers pH, improves soil biology, retains nutrients in soil, and is easy to spread.
Make your grass greener and your garden more fruitful with our Plant Calcium.
SandyCal Oolitic Aragonite is our granular product that is easy to spread or mix with soil. SandyCal is available in bulk. For smaller backyard projects, please see our retail products.
OceanCal Oolitic Aragonite is our powder product that can be used in an irrigation system, mixed with water, blended or as a spot treatment.
Contact us to learn more about how we can help your lawn and garden thrive!
Lawn & Garden FAQ
How much SandyCal do I need?
We always suggest a soil test to help determine your soil’s needs. However, as a general rule of thumb, approximately 500-750 lbs. per acre is advised. For smaller areas, please see our guide.
How do I set my spreader?
Mark off an area that is 1,000 sqft. or 20’ x 50’.
Using the instructions on the bag, determine the amount of product you need per 1,000 sq. ft.
Add the determined quantity to your spreader and set your spreader to medium. Walk at your normal pace over the marked area.
If you have material left in your spreader at the end, your setting is too low. If you have run out of material part way through, your setting is too high.
Adjust as needed. All spreaders will have different calibrations, and this method will provide the most accurate calibration for your spreader.
How do I apply SandyCal?
There are several ways to apply SandyCal:
Apply using a garden spreader. Follow the instructions below for how to set your spreader.
If using in a very small area or potted plant, hand spread over the soil, then water as normal.
If applying before planting, spread over the soil and till in. Plant as normal.
Looking for a smaller backyard project? Learn more about our retail products.
How do I apply OceanCal?
There are several ways to apply OceanCal:
Sprinkle directly on desired area.
Mix with water. Mix 2-4 lbs. of OceanCal in 1 gallon of water and use promptly. (OceanCal will settle if not used immediately.)
Incorporate into irrigation system. Use a tote mixer in your irrigation system to keep it agitated and prevent settling.